The committee have been very busy planning lots of rides and training events for the 2021 (COVID permitting of course). There will be both some firm favourites as well as some NEW rides on the calendar too!

Provisional dates/rides:
17th or 18th April - PLEASURE RIDE - Little Abington - South of Cambridge
End of April/beginning of May - PLEASURE RIDE - Park Farm Chasers - Northants
22nd May or 13th June - COMPETITIVE RIDE - Three Shires Way - North of Bedford
5th June - PLEASURE RIDE - Little Abington - South of Cambridge
End of July - COMPETITIVE RIDE - Keysoe - North of Bedford
7th or 8th August - COMPETITIVE RIDE - Cholsey Farm - High Wycombe
2/3rd October - COMPETITIVE RIDE - Concrete Cows - Milton Keynes
December - PLEASURE RIDE - Cambourne - Cambs - West of Cambridge
Date TBC - PLEASURE RIDE - Luffenhall - Stevenage
TBC - Stow - Buckingham
TBC - Courteenhall - Northants
Provisional training dates/events:
Polework clinics - Park Farm/Little Abington
IR Team Training
Gallops - Edgecote/Twyford Mill
Please note that we are working hard to firm up the dates so we will share with you as soon entries are open. We very much hope that all rides and training events will run as planned but we must be guided by Endurance GB, the BEF and local restrictions so event changes may be at short notice. .
You do not have to be a member to participate in Cromwell EGB events however you do need to sign up to be a Supporter Member (FREE) as all registrations must go though the central system. It's quick and easy to do, and you'll be kept in the loop as to the latest developments and offerings at both a regional and national level too.