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Try Before You Buy

What is it?

Try Before You Buy (TBYB) is an opportunity for those new to endurance riding to enter a novice Graded Endurance Ride (GER) up to 40km before applying to become an EGB member and registering their horse.


This allows a non-member or new associate member to experience their horse being vetted, be able to see what speed must be achieved, and see how their horse copes with the distance.


Successful completion of the ride is rewarded with an appropriate rosette, based on the results of their vetting!  However, no trophy points will be accumulated and no progression towards novice qualification can be gained.


This offer just allows non-members or new associate members to experience what it is like to enter and enjoy a competitive ride but it is limited to a maximum of two rides per applicant.


Try Before You Buy can be only applied for online, rides must be entered on line, the rider must not have previously competed with Endurance GB.

How to apply?

Applicants must complete the registration form on the main EnduranceGB website. After registering successfully you will be sent by email your special EGB membership number and password.


Using this you will then be able to logon to the EGB website using your TBYB membership number and password, then select Your Account (where you can change your password if required). You can then make and pay for a ride entry to the ride of your choice online. Payment for the ride entry will be taken by credit or debit card.


Please remember to logon before trying to enter a ride - otherwise you will only be able to enter a Pleasure ride!

Once you have your registered for this scheme, your details will be stored, then when you enter a ride all the information will be present.

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