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Cromwell Challenge Series

Welcome to our group challenge series! Find out more information about the series and the rules below...


Photo courtesy of West End Photography

    Cromwell Challenge Series

    Welcome to our group challenge series! Every year, we run a special set of awards for riders taking part in events organised by Cromwell EGB group. The series is open to all members of EnduranceGB including Club, Supporter and Associate members. 

    To join in, riders simply enter Cromwell EGB Group rides as normal through the EnduranceGB website. Results need to be recorded on a special Challenge Series mastercard which is available from all group events, and sent to the group at the end of the year to be entered into the series. Points are for horse/rider combinations and prizes are awarded at the group BAM for the end of that season.

    Qualifying rides to enter the challenge series are upto 50km in distance, and all entrants MUST volunteer to help at a minimum of one group ride each year that they enter the challenge.

    Here are the full rules for the series:

    1. Participation has to be in Cromwell EGB organised rides and events.  Events and rides run by other groups will not be counted. (NB, the Cambourne Ride from December will be included in the following year's results as it not possible to include this in the current season's scores).

    2. In order to be eligible for awards entrants must also help (or offer someone to volunteer on their behalf) at one or more of the Cromwell Group events for the season. This could include group training rides/events or supporting the inter-regional team as well as helping at one of the national rides.  The challenge series mastercard must be signed off by the Secretary or Ride Organiser at the ride/event where you volunteer.

    3. Only results from PR/GER/social/training ride classes up to 50k (+/- 5%) will be counted.

    4. The ride must be passed/completed successfully in order for the result to be counted.  This includes adhering to minimum and maximum speeds for the class entered as well as any vetting requirements.

    5. All results/participation must be recorded on the Challenge Series Mastercard and signed by the  organiser/TS/secretary.

    6. Ride scores determined as 1 point per kilometre completed (distance points) or points for Performance Formula as follows:

    • for PR's completed at 8kph or above a final heart rate of 64bpm will be assumed in order to permit the calculation.

    • where the ride has neither heart rate nor speed recorded (e.g. at a group social ride); only distance points will be awarded as it is not possible to work out Performance Formula.

    • PR/social ride classes completed below the speed of 8kph will only score distance points.

    • Performance Formula calculations for GER classes will use the results for the ride which are recorded on the Cromwell Challenge card – please indicate if the class is an open or novice GER.

    7. You may enter as many rides as you wish to but only the best 2 scores count (plus any bonus points).

    8. Attending other Cromwell events such as training days and helping at events will score bonus points.

    • Participation in Cromwell training events (other than rides) will score 2 bonus points.

    • Helping at a Cromwell event (including supporting the IR team) will score 5 bonus points.

    • ​

    9. Suitable classes ridden representing Cromwell as part of the Inter-Regional Team competition will be counted – regardless of the ride itself not being a Cromwell run event.  The Mastercard MUST be counter signed by the Cromwell Chef d’Equipe to prove team participation.  Team members riding in classes of over 50km (+/-5%) may claim 2 bonus points for participation at a Cromwell event but the ride result will not be counted.


    10. Challenge series placing at end of season determined by best 2 rides plus any bonus points awarded.  Tie break of total mileage successfully completed.


    11. Winner to receive the Kestrel Perpetual Cup, placing rosettes will be awarded dependent on numbers of participants (at least 1st-3rd).  Presentation will take place at the Cromwell BAM/AGM.


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